Insurance Continuing Education

Continuing Education Library
To complete your continuing education requirements, ExamFX has created a comprehensive online training library that will automatically grant you access to the state-specific continuing education courses you need to renew your license in your specific state. Enjoy 365-day access to complete your renewal courses at your own pace.
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*Actual price may vary depending on state and course selection. Please see purchasing portal for actual pricing for your state and organization. Discount pricing may also be available with qualifying manager email, discount code, or by visiting your specific organization's page.
All Access Continuing Education
Our complete course library is designed to service your CE needs. Perfect for self-motivated learners - Study 24/7 with our Interactive Learning Portal, access streamlined exam-specific content and reinforce your new knowledge through multiple quizzes and simulated exams.
View available CE courses and your state's requirements
Your first step for success is to understand your specific state's continuing education requirements for maintaining your insurance license. To see your state's specific available courses and requirements, please follow the link below. You will also find helpful information that you need to know.
VIEW YOUR STATE CE REQUIREMENTSAbout Insurance Continuing Education
ExamFX offers a library of online Continuing Education courses designed to meet license renewal requirements while enhancing professional development knowledge. Below you'll find a list of approved courses found in the All Access Continuing Education Library.
To see the state-specific courses available through ExamFX and continuing education requirements by state, visit our state requirements page and select your state.
Anti-Money Laundering - Ethical Decision Making For Insurance Producers - 3 Hours*
To that end, producers will study various anti-money laundering laws that have been enacted, steps in money laundering, and red flags that may crop up during business that may lead them to suspect money laundering.
Producers will also look at the reports a company may need to file (Suspicious Activity Reports) and statistics regarding the types of reported suspicious activities. They will also learn about Specially Designated Nationals, individuals or companies whose assets are blocked and with whom U.S. persons are generally prohibited from dealing.
Learning Objectives
The purpose of this course is to educate the producer on their responsibilities as they relate to the USA PATRIOT Act. Upon completion of this course, a producer will be able to:
- Explain the 3 phases of money laundering
- Identify the types of insurance products most likely to be employed in a money laundering scheme
- Explain the requirements of a Customer Identification Program
- Explain the financial services obligations to conduct due diligence and ongoing monitoring of its customers
- Explain a producer’s responsibility for reporting suspicious activity; and
- Explain the red flags of money laundering as they relate to the utilization of insurance products
Annuity Suitability and Best Interest Standard Training - 4 Hours*
This course was designed to satisfy the one-time, 4 credit-hour training course requirements imposed by the NAIC 2019 Annuity Suitability Model Act. It provides details about the “Best Interest” standard and other provisions of the Model Act. It also includes a thorough review of annuity products: types of annuities, annuity regulation, advantages and disadvantages, taxation, and replacement. Studying and contrasting various types of annuities and reviewing customer situations will improve a producer’s ability to know which annuity products and features best serve a client's financial needs.
Learning Objectives
This course explores topics with an emphasis on how they impact the sales process, the determination of suitability, and compliance with the best interest standard. Upon completion of this course, a producer will be able to identify:
- Annuity basics and terminology
- Parties to annuity contracts
- Product overview, including fixed, immediate, index and variable annuities
- Annuity taxation
- Annuity replacements and exchanges
- The licensee’s role in suitable sales
- How to apply the Best Interest Standard
Businessowners Policy (BOP) - 4 Hours*
This basic level course provides an overview of the Businessowners package policy (BOP) and guides producers in understanding how this policy is used to cover small and medium-sized business risks, including eligibility, features, coverages, exclusions, riders, etc.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, a producer will be able to:
- Understand how to apply the Businessowners Policy (BOP) to eligible business risks
- Understand how to best serve policyowners by customizing BOP coverage using riders and optional coverages
Commercial Lines: Property/Auto/Liability - 4 Hours*
This course reviews different types of commercial policies: their characteristics, coverages, and suitability.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, a producer will be able to:
- Understand the various risks faced by commercial enterprises
- Evaluate those risks specific to the client
- Understand the various insurance coverages available to address commercial risks
- Help those customers strategically minimize the risks by recommending appropriate commercial lines insurance products
Distribution Planning - 4 Hours*
This advanced-level course describes the various distribution options available to retirement plan participants, how those distribution options affect income amount and duration, tax considerations, minimum distribution requirements, and all the factors which must be considered when choosing a distribution option.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, a producer will be able to:
- Guide clients through the entire post-retirement distribution planning process
- Helping clients make critical up-front decisions with a better understanding of the income and tax ramifications of those decisions
Ethical Practices: Avoiding E&O Claims - 3 Hours*
This course reviews producer practices that can lead to errors & omissions claims. Case studies from all lines of insurance, and from all aspects of the insurance transactions from sales approach to application, to claims handling illustrate critical ethical decision points for producers, and demonstrate best practices for avoiding E&O claims.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, a producer will be able to:
- Avoid the most common oversights and violations
- Understand how to ethically serve their clients
Ethics & Insurance: How to Sell Ethically and Comply with the Law - 3 Hours*
This basic-level course is designed to fulfill the Ethics component of a producer’s continuing education requirement. It provides an overview of ethics in the insurance business, including producer responsibilities to the carrier and the consumer. Covered: field underwriting and policy delivery, fiduciary responsibilities, unfair trade practices, unfair claims practices, producer errors & omissions, consumer privacy, compliance vs. ethics. Includes relevant case studies and enforcement actions. Applicable to all lines of insurance.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, a producer will be able to:
- Understand the ethical responsibilities of insurance producers to their clients and to the insurance company
- Identify and avoid non-compliant behaviors
- Be better equipped to provide excellent, fair, and high-quality service to the insurance-buying public
Flood Insurance - 3 Hours*
In many states, producers who sell National Flood Insurance Policies are required to take a one-time 3-hour course prior to selling flood insurance. This course meets the requirements for NFIP Certification training.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, a producer will be familiar with:
- Types of flood coverage available
- NFIP program and how to submit applications
- Flood zones, maps and rating
- Handling of flood claims
- Requirements of the Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2004 (FIRA)
Front Line Fraud Prevention - 3 Hours*
This course identifies how and when fraudulent activity may infiltrate all stages of the insurance lifecycle (application, underwriting, claims) and clearly outlines the producer’s role on the “front line” in identifying insurance fraud both when soliciting new business and when servicing existing contracts. This course describes relevant state and federal laws that relate to insurance fraud and detail the rules that producers must follow in order to behave ethically and responsibility toward insurance consumers as well as to the insurance carrier.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, a producer will understand:
- How to spot patterns of suspicious consumer behavior
- The difference between behavior that is legal and ethical vs. Behavior that is legal but unethical
- What their contractual, legal and ethical responsibilities are for reporting suspected fraud to regulators, law enforcement and insurance company special investigative units
- Most common “Red Flags” that indicate an application or a claim could be fraudulent
Group Benefits and Worksite Insurance - 4 Hours*
This course offers an overview of different types of group and workplace insurance plans, including requirements for eligibility, enrollment, evidence of coverage, plan documentation, and portability/conversion.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, a producer will be able to:
- Prepare to evaluate, recommend, and properly service employee benefit plans including group life, group health and disability, long-term care, and other group plans
Health Insurance Policies: Protecting Clients from Health-Related Loss - 5 Hours*
This basic-level course details the health insurance market –underwriting, policy features, required and optional provisions, advantages, disadvantages, and available riders, for many types of health policies including individual and group policies, disability income, Medicare Supplement, Long Term Care, and specialty policies. Social insurance and workers compensation are also discussed.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, a producer will be able to:
- Have a deeper understanding of the health insurance market and the many different types of health policies available to minimize the financial risks of illness and disability
- Use this knowledge to make health insurance producers more effective at matching the right product to the health insurance needs of their customers