Have you heard about our pass rates?
ExamFX candidates report a 93% overall licensing exam pass rate. Our pass rates reflect our comprehensive study programs and our commitment to helping you succeed.
ExamFX has created a comprehensive online training program to ensure candidates are prepared to pass their exam on the first attempt. We have a variety of study packages available to fit every learning preference and budget.
*Actual prices will vary depending on state fees and package selection.
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We offer flexible solutions and packages for every learning preference, specifically designed to help candidates pass their Health exam. Our training provides a variety of helpful study tools that prepares candidates for success.
Each state has specific licensing requirements. Candidates need to understand their state's Health licensing requirements as a first step toward success. Select your state to review the requirements and additional information about testing providers and scheduling.
VIEW STATE REQUIREMENTSWhat are the topics covered on the Health Exam?
The exam is broken down into four parts. These topics include:
ExamFX offers candidates all the study materials they need to be successful in passing their licensing exam. In addition to our online learning platform, we offer printed study materials that help candidates throughout their learning. Our Study Guide and Flash Cards can easily be added to any package during checkout.
ExamFX Health packages include unlimited practice exams, designed to simulate state licensing exams. Learn more about these additional study materials by clicking below.
ExamFX candidates report a 93% overall licensing exam pass rate. Our pass rates reflect our comprehensive study programs and our commitment to helping you succeed.
ExamFX is so confident in our training program that we guarantee users who successfully complete the Readiness Exam will pass their licensing exam on their first attempt! If you do not pass your licensing exam within three days after scoring 80% or higher on the Readiness Exam, we will refund the cost of your course. It is that simple. Some restrictions may apply.