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Oregon Course Update April 2023

Oregon Insurance courses have been updated to include the state exam outline changes effective May 1, 2023. This change may affect your progress in the course, and you may be required to retake quizzes in chapters marked “red” or “incomplete” to qualify for a Simulate Your Exam or for your Certificate of Completion. Continue reading to view the Life and Health, Property and Casualty, and Personal Lines addendums.

Missouri Course Update April 2023

Missouri Insurance courses have been updated to include the state exam outline changes effective April 26, 2023. If you are studying for your Life only or Life and Health combination exam, please note that your progress for the “Retirement and Other Insurance Concepts” chapter has been reset to incomplete. These changes will NOT affect your ability to Simulate Your Exam; however, we recommend that you pass another quiz for that chapter prior to taking your state exam. Continue reading to view the Life and Health, and Property and Casualty addendums.

Iowa Course Update March 2023

Iowa Insurance courses have been updated to include the state exam outline changes effective April 4, 2023. If you are studying for your Life or Life & Health combination exam, please note that your progress for the Retirement and Other Insurance Concepts chapter will be reset on March 16, 2023. Continue reading to view the Life and Health, and Property and Casualty/Commercial Lines addendums.

Oklahoma Course Update February 2023

The Oklahoma Department of Insurance has selected a new testing provider for their state insurance exams. Beginning February 16, 2023, PSI will be the testing provider for Oklahoma insurance exams. The exam content outlines have not changed; however, exams within the course have been updated, effective February 23, 2023, to reflect the new testing provider’s exam interface.

Indiana Course Update February 2023

Indiana Insurance courses have been updated to include the state exam outline changes effective February 15, 2023. If you are studying for your Life only or Life and Health combination exam, please note that your progress for the Retirement and Other Insurance Concepts chapter will be reset on February 23, 2023. This update will not affect your ability to take a Simulate Your Exam practice test or to qualify for a Certificate of Completion. Continue reading to view the Life and Health, and Property and Casualty addendums.

Arkansas Course Update February 2023

Arkansas Insurance exams will be updated to align with the PSI national outline on March 1, 2023. ExamFX Arkansas Insurance courses have been updated to include changes effective February 23, 2023. This update includes exam breakdown changes, new chapter titles, and new content distribution among chapters in the General Knowledge section of each course.  We recommend that you review the course material and pass a quiz for each chapter marked “incomplete.” This update will not affect your ability to take a Simulate Your Exam practice test or to qualify for a Certificate of Completion. Continue reading to view the Life and Health, Property and Casualty, and Personal Lines addendums.

Nebraska Provider Change & Course Update February 2023

The Nebraska Department of Insurance has selected a new testing provider for their state insurance exams. Beginning February 1, 2023, PSI will be the testing provider for Nebraska insurance exams.  Nebraska Insurance courses have been updated to include the state exam outline changes effective February 1, 2023. Continue reading to view the Life Insurance addendums.

Illinois Course Update January 2023

Illinois Insurance courses have been updated to include the state exam outline changes effective January 18, 2023. If you are studying for your Life only or Life and Health combination exam, please note that your progress for the Retirement and Other Insurance Concepts chapter has been reset. To qualify to take the Simulate Your Exam practice test or for your Certificate of Completion, you will be required to retake and pass that chapter quiz. Continue reading to view the Life and Health, and Property and Casualty addendums.